Inspecting the results of processing #################################### After running the entire pipeline, you should have all results under the ``output/results/`` folder. CSA for T2 data --------------- Here for example, we show the mean CSA averaged between C2-C3 levels computed from the T2 data. Each line represents a subject. .. csv-table:: ``CSA.csv``: CSA values in T2 data across 3 subjects :file: CSA.csv :header-rows: 1 The variability is mainly due to the inherent variability of CSA across subjects. MTR in white matter ------------------- Here are the results of MTR quantification in the dorsal column of each subject between C2 and C5. Notice the remarkable inter-subject consistency. .. csv-table:: ``MTR_in_DC.csv``: MTR values values in white matter (dorsal columns) across 3 subjects :file: MTR_in_DC.csv :header-rows: 1 Quality Control report ---------------------- A QC report is generated under ``qc/``. As shown before, the QC report is useful to quickly assess the quality of the analysis pipeline. .. figure:: :align: center