
Function to compute the Ernst Angle.

For examples of T1 values in the brain, see Wansapura et al. NMR relaxation times in the human brain at 3.0 tesla. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI (1999) vol. 9 (4) pp. 531-8. T1 in WM: 832msT1 in GM: 1331ms

usage: sct_compute_ernst_angle -tr <float> [-h] [-t1 <float>]
                               [-b <float> <float>] [-o <str>] [-ofig <str>]
                               [-v <int>]



Value of TR (in ms) to get the Ernst Angle. Example: 2000



T1 value (in ms). Example: 832.3

Default: 832.0


Min/Max range of TR (in ms) separated with space. Only use with -v 2. Example: 500 3500

Default: [500, 3500]


Name of the output file containing Ernst angle result.

Default: “ernst_angle.txt”


Name of the output graph. Only use with -v 2.

Default: “ernst_angle.png”


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode

Default: 1