
Spinal Cord Segmentation using convolutional networks. Reference: Gros et al. Automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and intramedullary multiple sclerosis lesions with convolutional neural networks. Neuroimage. 2019 Jan 1;184:901-915.

usage: sct_deepseg_sc -i <file> -c {t1,t2,t2s,dwi} [-h]
                      [-centerline {svm,cnn,viewer,file}]
                      [-file_centerline <str>] [-thr <float>] [-brain {0,1}]
                      [-kernel {2d,3d}] [-ofolder <str>] [-o <file>] [-r {0,1}]
                      [-v <int>] [-qc <str>] [-qc-dataset <str>]
                      [-qc-subject <str>]



Input image. Example: t1.nii.gz


Possible choices: t1, t2, t2s, dwi

Type of image contrast.



Possible choices: svm, cnn, viewer, file

Method used for extracting the centerline:

  • svm: Automatic detection using Support Vector Machine algorithm.

  • cnn: Automatic detection using Convolutional Neural Network.

  • viewer: Semi-automatic detection using manual selection of a few points with an interactive viewer followed by regularization.

  • file: Use an existing centerline (use with flag -file_centerline)

Default: “svm”


Input centerline file (to use with flag -centerline file). Example: t2_centerline_manual.nii.gz


Binarization threshold (between 0 and 1) to apply to the segmentation prediction. Set to -1 for no binarization (i.e. soft segmentation output). The default threshold is specific to each contrast and was estimated using an optimization algorithm. More details at:


Possible choices: 0, 1

Indicate if the input image contains brain sections (to speed up segmentation). Only use with -centerline cnn. (default: 1 for T1/T2 contrasts, 0 for T2*/DWI contrasts)


Possible choices: 2d, 3d

Choice of kernel shape for the CNN. Segmentation with 3D kernels is slower than with 2D kernels.

Default: “2d”


Output folder. Example: My_Output_Folder

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”


Output filename. Example: spinal_seg.nii.gz


Possible choices: 0, 1

Remove temporary files.

Default: 1


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode

Default: 1


The path where the quality control generated content will be saved


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the dataset the process was run on


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the subject the process was run on