
Compute the Dice Coefficient. N.B.: indexing (in both time and space) starts with 0 not 1! Inputting -1 for a size will set it to the full image extent for that dimension.

usage: sct_dice_coefficient -i <file> -d <file> [-h] [-2d-slices {0,1,2}]
                            [-b <list>] [-bmax {0,1}] [-bzmax {0,1}]
                            [-bin {0,1}] [-o <str>] [-r {0,1}] [-v <int>]



First input image. Example: t2_seg.nii.gz


Second input image. Example: t2_manual_seg.nii.gz



Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Compute DC on 2D slices in the specified dimension


Bounding box with the coordinates of the origin and the size of the box as follow: x_origin,x_size,y_origin,y_size,z_origin,z_size. Example: 5,10,5,10,10,15


Possible choices: 0, 1

Use maximum bounding box of the images union to compute DC.


Possible choices: 0, 1

Use maximum bounding box of the images union in the “Z” direction to compute DC.


Possible choices: 0, 1

Binarize image before computing DC. (Put non-zero-voxels to 1)


Output file with DC results (.txt). Example: dice_coeff.txt


Possible choices: 0, 1

Remove temporary files.

Default: 1


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode

Default: 1