
Generate Quality Control (QC) report following SCT processing.

usage: sct_qc -i IMAGE -p
              [-s SEG] [-d DEST] [-plane {axial,sagittal}] [-resample RESAMPLE]
              [-text-labels {0,1}] [-qc QC] [-qc-dataset DATASET]
              [-qc-subject SUBJECT] [-fps float] [-v] [-h]

Named Arguments


Input image #1 (mandatory)


Possible choices: sct_propseg, sct_deepseg_sc, sct_deepseg_gm, sct_deepseg_lesion, sct_register_multimodal, sct_register_to_template, sct_warp_template, sct_label_vertebrae, sct_detect_pmj, sct_label_utils, sct_get_centerline, sct_fmri_moco, sct_dmri_moco, sct_image_stitch, sct_fmri_compute_tsnr

SCT function associated with the QC report to generate


Input segmentation or label


Input image #2 to overlay on image #1 (requires a segmentation), or output of another process (e.g., sct_straighten_spinalcord)


Possible choices: axial, sagittal

Plane of the output QC. Only relevant for -p sct_deepseg_lesion.


Millimeter resolution to resample the image to. Set to 0 to turn off resampling. You can use this option to control the zoom of the QC report: higher values will result in smaller images, and lower values will result in larger images.


Possible choices: 0, 1

If set to 0, text won’t be drawn on top of labels. Only relevant for -p sct_label_vertebrae.

Default: 1


Path to save QC report. Default: ./qc

Default: “./qc”


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the dataset the process was run on


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the subject the process was run on


The number of frames per second for output gif images. Only useful for sct_fmri_moco and sct_dmri_moco.



Default: False


  • sct_qc -i t2.nii.gz -s t2_seg.nii.gz -p sct_deepseg_sc

  • sct_qc -i t2.nii.gz -s t2_pmj.nii.gz -p sct_detect_pmj

  • sct_qc -i t2.nii.gz -s t2_seg_labeled.nii.gz -p sct_label_vertebrae

  • sct_qc -i t2.nii.gz -s t2_seg.nii.gz -p sct_deepseg_sc -qc-dataset mydata -qc-subject sub-45

  • sct_qc -i t2.nii.gz -s t2_seg.nii.gz -d t2_lesion.nii.gz -p sct_deepseg_lesion -plane axial