
Perform mathematical operations on images.

usage: sct_maths -i <file> -o <file> [-volumewise {0,1}] [-h] [-add [...]]
                 [-sub  [...]] [-mul [...]] [-div  [...]] [-mean {x,y,z,t}]
                 [-rms {x,y,z,t}] [-std {x,y,z,t}] [-bin <float>] [-otsu <int>]
                 [-adap <list>] [-otsu-median <list>] [-percent <int>]
                 [-thr <float>] [-uthr <float>] [-dilate <int>] [-erode <int>]
                 [-shape {square,cube,disk,ball}] [-dim {0,1,2}]
                 [-smooth <list>] [-laplacian <list>] [-denoise DENOISE]
                 [-mi <file>] [-minorm <file>] [-corr <file>]
                 [-symmetrize {0,1,2}]
                 [-type {uint8,int16,int32,float32,complex64,float64,int8,uint16,uint32,int64,uint64}]
                 [-v <int>]



Input file. Example: data.nii.gz


Output file. Example: data_mean.nii.gz



Possible choices: 0, 1

Specifying this option will process a 4D image in a “volumewise” manner:

  • Split the 4D input into individual 3D volumes

  • Apply the maths operations to each 3D volume

  • Merge the processed 3D volumes back into a single 4D output image

Default: 0


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode

Default: 1



Add following input. Can be a number or one or more 3D/4D images (separated with space). Examples:

  • sct_maths -i 3D.nii.gz -add 5 (Result: 3D image with 5 added to each voxel)

  • sct_maths -i 3D.nii.gz -add 3D_2.nii.gz (Result: 3D image)

  • sct_maths -i 4D.nii.gz -add 4D_2.nii.gz (Result: 4D image)

  • sct_maths -i 4D_nii.gz -add 4D_2.nii.gz 4D_3.nii.gz (Result: 4D image)

Note: If your terminal supports it, you can also specify multiple images using a pattern:

  • sct_maths -i 4D.nii.gz -add 4D_*.nii.gz (Result: Adding 4D_2.nii.gz, 4D_3.nii.gz, etc.)

Note: If the input image is 4D, you can also leave -add empty to sum the 3D volumes within the image:

  • sct_maths -i 4D.nii.gz -add (Result: 3D image, with 3D volumes summed within 4D image)


Subtract following input. Can be a number, or one or more 3D/4D images (separated with space).


Multiply by following input. Can be a number, or one or more 3D/4D images (separated with space). (See -add for examples.)


Divide by following input. Can be a number, or one or more 3D/4D images (separated with space).


Possible choices: x, y, z, t

Average data across dimension.


Possible choices: x, y, z, t

Compute root-mean-squared across dimension.


Possible choices: x, y, z, t

Compute STD across dimension.


Binarize image using specified threshold. Example: 0.5



Threshold image using Otsu algorithm (from skimage). Specify the number of bins (e.g. 16, 64, 128)


Threshold image using Adaptive algorithm (from skimage). Provide 2 values separated by , that correspond to the parameters below. For example, -adap 7,0 corresponds to a block size of 7 and an offset of 0.

  • Block size: Odd size of pixel neighborhood which is used to calculate the threshold value.

  • Offset: Constant subtracted from weighted mean of neighborhood to calculate the local threshold value. Suggested offset is 0.


Threshold image using Median Otsu algorithm (from Dipy). Provide 2 values separated by , that correspond to the parameters below. For example, -otsu-median 3,5 corresponds to a filter size of 3 repeated over 5 iterations.

  • Size: Radius (in voxels) of the applied median filter.

  • Iterations: Number of passes of the median filter.


Threshold image using percentile of its histogram.


Lower threshold limit (zero below number).


Upper threshold limit (zero above number).



Dilate binary or greyscale image with specified size. If shape={’square’, ‘cube’}: size corresponds to the length of an edge (size=1 has no effect). If shape={’disk’, ‘ball’}: size corresponds to the radius, not including the center element (size=0 has no effect).


Erode binary or greyscale image with specified size. If shape={’square’, ‘cube’}: size corresponds to the length of an edge (size=1 has no effect). If shape={’disk’, ‘ball’}: size corresponds to the radius, not including the center element (size=0 has no effect).


Possible choices: square, cube, disk, ball

Shape of the structuring element for the mathematical morphology operation. Default: ball.

If a 2D shape {'disk', 'square'} is selected, -dim must be specified.

Default: []


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Dimension of the array which 2D structural element will be orthogonal to. For example, if you wish to apply a 2D disk kernel in the X-Y plane, leaving Z unaffected, parameters will be: shape=disk, dim=2.

Default: []



Gaussian smoothing filtering. Supply values for standard deviations in mm. If a single value is provided, it will be applied to each axis of the image. If multiple values are provided, there must be one value per image axis. (Examples: -smooth 2.0,3.0,2.0 (3D image), -smooth 2.0 (any-D image)).


Laplacian filtering. Supply values for standard deviations in mm. If a single value is provided, it will be applied to each axis of the image. If multiple values are provided, there must be one value per image axis. (Examples: -laplacian 2.0,3.0,2.0 (3D image), -laplacian 2.0 (any-D image)).


Non-local means adaptative denoising from P. Coupe et al. as implemented in dipy. Separate with , Example: p=1,b=3

  • p: (patch radius) similar patches in the non-local means are searched for locally, inside a cube of side 2*p+1 centered at each voxel of interest. Default: p=1

  • b: (block radius) the size of the block to be used (2*b+1) in the blockwise non-local means implementation. Default: b=5. Note, block radius must be smaller than the smaller image dimension: default value is lowered for small images)

To use default parameters, write -denoise 1



Compute the mutual information (MI) between both input files (-i and -mi) as in:


Compute the normalized mutual information (MI) between both input files (-i and -mi) as in:


Compute the cross correlation (CC) between both input files (-i and -corr).



Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Symmetrize data along the specified dimension.


Possible choices: uint8, int16, int32, float32, complex64, float64, int8, uint16, uint32, int64, uint64

Output type.