
Utility functions for label images.

usage: sct_label_utils -i <file> [-o <file>] [-ilabel <file>]
                       (-add <int> | -create <list> | -create-add <list> | -create-seg <list> | -create-seg-mid <int> | -create-viewer <list> | -cubic-to-point | -disc <file> | -project-centerline <file> | -display | -increment | -vert-body <list> | -vert-continuous | -MSE <file> | -remove-reference <file> | -remove-sym <file> | -remove <list> | -keep <list>)
                       [-h] [-msg <str>] [-v <int>] [-qc <folder>]
                       [-qc-dataset <str>] [-qc-subject <str>]



Input image (Required) Example: t2_labels.nii.gz



Output image. Note: Only some label utilities create an output image. Example: t2_labels.nii.gz

Default: “labels.nii.gz”


File that contain labels that you want to correct. It is possible to add new points with this option. Use with -create-viewer. Example: t2_labels_auto.nii.gz



Add value to all labels. Value can be negative.


Create labels in a new image. List labels as: x1,y1,z1,value1:x2,y2,z2,value2. Example: 12,34,32,1:12,35,33,2


Same as -create, but add labels to the input image instead of creating a new image. Example: 12,34,32,1:12,35,33,2


Create labels on a cord segmentation (or centerline) image defined by -i. Each label should be specified using the form v1,v2 where v1 is value of the slice index along the inferior-superior axis, and v2 is the value of the label. Separate each label with :.

Example: -create-seg 5,1:14,2:23,3 adds three labels at the axial slices 5, 14, and 23 (starting from the most inferior slice).


Similar to -create-seg. This option takes a single label value, and will automatically select the mid-point slice in the inferior-superior direction (so there is no need for a slice index).

This is useful for when you have centered the field of view of your data at a specific location. For example, if you already know that the C2-C3 disc is centered in the I-S direction, then you can enter -create-seg-mid 3 for that label. This saves you the trouble of having to manually specify a slice index using -create-seg.


Manually label from a GUI a list of labels IDs. Provide a comma-separated list containing individual values and/or intervals. Example: -create-viewer 1:4,6,8 will allow you to add labels [1,2,3,4,6,8] using the GUI.


Compute the center-of-mass for each label value.

Default: False


Project disc labels (-disc) onto a spinal cord segmentation (-i) within the axial plane to create a labeled segmentation.

  • Note: Unlike sct_label_vertebrae -discfile, this function does NOT involve cord straightening.

  • Note: This method does NOT involve orthogonal projection onto the cord centerline. Details:

The disc labeling follows the convention:


Project disc labels onto the spinal cord centerline.


Display all labels (i.e. non-zero values).

Default: False


Takes all non-zero values, sort them along the inverse z direction, and attributes the values 1, 2, 3, etc.

Default: False


From vertebral labeling, create points that are centered at the mid-vertebral levels. Separate desired levels with ,. Example: 3,8

To get all levels, enter 0.


Convert discrete vertebral labeling to continuous vertebral labeling.

Default: False


Compute Mean Square Error between labels from input and reference image. Specify reference image here.


Remove labels from input image (-i) that are not in reference image (specified here).


Remove labels from input image (-i) and reference image (specified here) that don’t match. You must provide two output names separated by ,.


Remove labels of specific value (specified here) from reference image.


Keep labels of specific value (specified here) from reference image.



Display a message to explain the labeling task. Use with -create-viewer


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2

Verbosity. 0: Display only errors/warnings, 1: Errors/warnings + info messages, 2: Debug mode

Default: 1


The path where the quality control generated content will be saved.


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the dataset the process was run on.


If provided, this string will be mentioned in the QC report as the subject the process was run on.